History Of Cianjur

History Cianjur very little known, but according to the stories of the parents, Cianjur area formerly was included into the territory of the Kingdom Pajajaran.It can be seen from many of the same public confidence Cianjur the society in the kingdom era Pajajaran know that many hindu culture.The origin Cianjur known after entry into the Islamic influence of the Sultanate of Banten Cianjur roughly XV century.The first Regent Cianjur named Wiratanu I who ruled roughly centered in the seventeenth century-Cikalong Cikidul Kulon 20km north Cianjur now. 

Then moved by Regent Wiratanu II to the edge of the river and the highway that have been made by Daendels between Anyer - Panarukan the City Cianjur now.City to City residency Cianjur Priangan Raden Kusuma in the area include Port Diningrat with queen west, River Mist Mountain Citanduy the ranks, Mega Chance, Tangkuban Perahu east, and Ocean Indonesia south.Then in the Regent RAA Prawiradiredja Cianjur area has been changed into Cikole west, Sukabumi now, Bandung and Tasikmalaya the capital was moved to London residency.
Cianjur Map, Reference : pojoksatu.id

Rubber and tea plantations as a result of the cultivation system (cultur stelsel).Plantation is a place of entertainment for the weekend resident assistant and Dutch people who live in Cianjur and tends to make the area Cipanas-peak.GEOGRAPHICALGeographically, Cianjur located at 106. 25o -107. East longitude and 25o 6.21o - 7.32o South latitude with administrative boundaries:

Northern border with the district of Bogor and Purwakarta district.
Bordering the western side Sukabumi.
Ocean south of the border with Indonesia.

    East with Bandung regency and Garut.

The total area of ​​Cianjur + / - 3501.48 km2 divided by the characteristic topography mostly mountainous area, hilly and mostly a low-lying, with a height of 0 s / d 2962 meters above sea level (the summit of Mount Gede) with a slope between 1 % s / d 15%.

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